Ancillary File Field Mapper Page of the Integration Wizard

Use this page to define the order of the fields in the selected ancillary file.

The Ancillary File Field Mapper page displays the first 10 rows of data from the file you selected.

Note: If you are importing data that contains quotes in the descriptions, you must use the Excel format of the file.

Defining the Field Order

Define the data field in each column by selecting values from the field on the first row of each column. If you want the import file to contain a header row, select the File contains a header row option. If the header in the file matches the field in Cobra, the column maps automatically when you select this option.

Note: The data fields displayed in each column varies based on the type of ancillary data you are importing. For instance, when importing a calendar file, the columns will display the relevant calendar fields.

With the exception of <Ignore>, you can select a field only once. A selected field is no longer available in the subsequent columns.

If you are importing code file data, you can select File to associate each record in the import file with the appropriate code file.

Cobra follows certain guidelines if the File field is defined on this page.
  • Cobra will ignore the code file defined on the File Selection page.
  • Cobra will utilize the combination of the File + Code fields to define uniqueness in the records, enabling data to be loaded into multiple code files. If the combination of File and Code is not unique during the import process, Cobra will display error messages in the process log.
  • While the Parent field is not required, if the loaded code file is non-significant and the Parent field is not defined, Cobra will display the following warning message in the process log:

    "[Warning] The Parent column wasn’t selected when loading the non-significant file ‘<CodeFile>’. The code file will be loaded as a flat structure."

  • If there are records being loaded with an empty value in the File field, Cobra will display the following message in the process log:

    “[Warning] There are records in the Import file with empty File values. These records will be ignored.”

  • If the File field is not defined on this page, the import will proceed with loading all data into the code file defined on the File Selection page.